Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bug In The System

The Corsairs of Khorne teamed up with the Tau to take on the Eldar and Ultramarines last weekend. The Ultramarines bought quite a few armoured toys with them including 3 Landraiders in a squadron and a a squadron of speeders with assault cannons.

All was looking good until the Corsairs and Tau allies discovered that the Eldar had been conducting mind control experiments on a group of Tyranids. The big bugs supported the Eldar and smurf advance. All the while Ultramarine Devestators poured fire into the Tau armour. The Tau took heavy casualties and the Corsairs lost their much revered Defilier in the first turn. The Corsair's Landraider and a Tau Hammerhead bravely had a shoot out against the 3 Ultramarine Landraiders. Little did they know an Eldar Wraithlord and Carnifex was looming up behind the smurf tanks. The marine tanks parted and the Carnifex hit the Corsair's battle line smashing into the Noise Marines. The Slanesh fought against the large Nid bravely despite wearing hot pink power armour but were no match in the end getting gored by the beasts tusks.

With the loses to the Tau it was only a matter of time before the Corsairs crumbled against the onslaught. Kharn could see the battle was lost and jumped over the side of one of the objective bridges into the river below. Landing in front of the waiting genesteelers. These provided just to fast for him and cut him down before he could return in blows with his poweraxe.

It was a good game but too many heavies on the opposition proved difficult.

Kharn will return!!

1 comment:

SimonG said...

Tough game that was. Never like fighting tyranids as tau always goes bad haha. way 2 many heavys for my liking. hapy taht my tank took such a beeting tho