Friday, July 11, 2008

Curse That Cursed Dreadnought!

My Red Corsairs Dreadnought has done me no favours since it was made. I'm beginning to seriously wonder if taking it is a good idea. It's armed with a close combat weapon and a removable twin linked lascannon. I armed it this way in case it decides to fire frenzy in which at worst it could kill a marine.

Well I've learnt the hard way about positioning it close to my vehicles. It seems to be pro at rolling those Crazed 1s on a D6 (fire frenzy). So far it's claimed my Predator, Vindicator and most recently my Landraider. These losses happened at different points of the games. So from now on if it's going to battle the only thing it's going to be close to, of mine, is some humble marines hopefully in cover!. They will no doubt be keeping a very nervous eye on it. Maybe they should have a summary execution rule on it similar to the commissars of the guard. The first sign of it going nuts they put a lascannon round through it.

Though it did do quite well in close combat with practically no weapons left recently. So maybe that's the secret send it to battle with no weapons and it can just headbutt the enemy to death.

I like the look of it and will probably keep using it. But might have a Predator back just in case it keeps it's friendly fire habit.


Unknown said...

the dready looks great, but I think the defiler is better, except when it gets immobilised in the first round of shooting!!!

gotta love the eldar

Chris said...

It was a flukey bit of shooting on the Defiler and deserves me right for leaving it out in the open.

Still I don't love the space pixies lol!

Unknown said...


well looking forward to the apocalypse next weekend, and the report after...