Monday, March 2, 2009

Up and Coming Guard

There's been much speculation on the new Imperial Guard Codex. There sounds like some pretty nasty stuff even if only half the rumours prove to be true. Firstly is the Valkyrie dropship that I'm sure any Aliens film buff / guard player will want. This flying boxcar packs two lascannons as well as pylon weapons under the wings. Included also are some pretty cool gunners to help out with cover fire. Bad news is if you were intending on byuying a Forgeworld one instead you're out of luck because they're now out of production.

The second confirmed new toy is the Leman Russ Punisher. This sucker can pump out 20 Str 5 shots a turn. Though there still seems to be speculation when this kit will actually be released.

Standard units too have been overhauled with the standard guardsman cost 4 pts each apparently. Stormtroopers pack a 18" Str 3 AP3 Hellgun and it continues.

So May is looking very good for the guard. Let's just hope we don't have to wait 12 months like the Ork players did for the intended second wave of releases. Then again maybe this phased release is a trend by GW.

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