Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Visit To GW Melbourne

On a recent trip to Melbourne I stopped by GW Melbourne while looking through the shops. This is a major achievement in it's self as it's buried in the basement of a large shopping mall down an alleyway with no sign!. Hard to imagine a GW store without one of their trademark illuminated logos.
Still the guy in the store, Alex (hope I got his name right) was really helpful. Not only that they had several Golden Daemon winning minis in the display case.
The converted Skullhamma above was part of his ork army and very cool. My photo through the display case doesn't do it justice. It was converted from a Baneblade and immense. Basically if you cross a landing craft with a dirty great gun this is what you get.
The rest of his army had the similar colour scheme Iyandian Sunset and Boltgun Metal with washes applied over the bare metal areas. This was simple but very striking and effective. Pity the Dethkoptas photos didn't turn out. A similar treatment to his Orks skin.
He was developing techniques basically using just the foundation paints then washes and standard colours for highlights and it worked really well. He was applying the process to some Chaos Knights and Marauder Horsemen and and although simple it looked really well. Just depends if you want your minis to have a slightly darker look.
Nice to talk to a staff member who was willing to experiment with things and share his ideas.

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